I ran into this one a little over a year ago and I LOVE IT! After
hearing from fans ask about a better way to shave, I thought I'd share
this awesomeness!
I got this one from
The Gluten Free Navy Wife!
I love love love sugar scrubs! Seriously! They are so great and so good to exfoliate! But did you know they can help you get a better shave??
That's right! Make yourself this great scrub and you can have SUCH an amazing shave that your husband (boyfriend, partner, significant other, etc) will not be able to keep their hands off you!
The recipe is simple! (this is taken STRAIGHT from her blog with a few added notes from me)
- 2 1/2 Cups of Sugar
(Yes, just normal sugar)
- 1 Cup of Oil
(I used Olive Oil and of course, I smell a little like
Olive Oil. You can also use Canola, Vegetable, Avocado, Coconut or any fragrance body oil you have).
- 5 Tablespoons of a citrus juice. Preferably fresh squeezed.
- Optional: Essential Oil of choice (check below for great options)
Mix all of this together in a jar that can be kept closed so it doesn't rot. I had an old pickle jar that I put it in. This will separate after time so you will need to mix it before every time you use it. ALSO do NOT stick your hands in the jar. It is best to use a spoon to scoop it out and then put it in a cup or straight onto your skin. But do not let the oil from your hand get into the jar cause that will make bacteria to grow in the jar. ALSO do not let any WATER get in the jar cause then it will separate the oil and it will not be as effective. So what I do is scoop some sugar scrub into a cup and leave that close by so when I'm ready to go, I can just grab it.
How To Use:
- Draw a warm/hot bath.
(I actually do this in the shower cause I hate baths)
- Soak for about five minutes.
(If you are in the shower, just let the water hit your legs continuously for 5 minutes and try to keep the outside air as warm as possible to open up your pores)
- Shave one leg
with your normal leg shaving routine.
- Take a palm full of your homemade sugar scrub and scrub that leg and then rinse off.
(scrub it good! It feels great and you will be AMAZED at the dead skin that comes off. But do not use soap! Do not rinse off the oil)
- Shave your leg again. Yes, again.
(the oil is an amazing 'shaving cream')
- Take a palm full of sugar scrub and scrub your leg again.
- Repeat on your other leg.
- After your bath, dry off and then lotion your legs.
When you shave your leg the first time, obviously, it's going to remove
the hair. When you scrub after you shave, it removes any dead skin. By
shaving your leg again after you use the sugar scrub, you are getting
all of that dead skin off of your leg. You will need to rinse your razor
frequently (you will see why).
Essential Oils you could use
For a cooling effect:
- Eucalyptus
- Peppermint
- Tea Tree (will also act as antiseptic if you cute yourself)
For sweet and floral scents:
- Citrus
- Lavender
- Geranium
- Chamomile
For masculine scents:
- Cedar
- Patchouli
- Juniper
- Ginger
You will truly be amazed at the amount of dead skin that comes off and how incredibly soft your skin is afterwards. I couldn't help but feel my legs and make my husband feel my legs! You will love this and never want to shave any other way. You can switch up the recipe if you'd like.
An article I found on Livestrong.com mentioned using different oils in shaving creams to help with razor burn and when you cut yourself. You could easily add these oils to the mixture either when you make the entire mix or in each individual use (in the cup you put it in beforehand)
Livestrong said, "Aromatic essential oils are what give the shaving oil its scent. These
oils can be expensive, but you do not need to use more than a few drops
per ounce of base oil to get a lingering aroma. The essential oils in
shaving oil are a matter of personal preference. You can use a single
oil or blend of oils to make a unique smell. Oils like
eucalyptus and
peppermint have a cooling effect on the skin, while
tea tree oil can be
added as an antiseptic in case you cut yourself. For women, a broad
range of sweet and floral scents are available, such as
geranium or
chamomile. For a more masculine scent, try spice
oils like
juniper or
ginger. Before using any aromatic
essential oil for shaving, test it on a small patch of skin on the
inside of your wrist to make sure you don't have any allergic reaction
to it. The CNN Health website points out that it is the fragrances in
shaving products that cause skin irritation for many people."
I personally love
Doterra Oils! They are guarteenteed pure and there are SO many available and they say directly on the bottle what they can be used for. I highly suggest you teach yourself about oils before attempting to use them though. Some can be used on your skin and some are not suggested. Some are very strong while others are more weak. Feel free to ask questions if you need any help!